Content on websites is king. Let Interlace Communications in Shoemakersville PA help you.

Why Content is Important for Your Website

We have mentioned it in many other past blogs about the importance of content on your website. In this blog we want to focus on reasons why it is very important.

Search Engines Can’t Guess

We often tell our customers, in order to be found for a specific keyword you need to make sure that keyword is on your website. Search engines don’t know what you do without it actually being on your website. They are computers and with that they can’t read minds. Having the right content on your website will ensure your website is found in the searches that you want to be found in.

Don’t Think Less Content is More

Search engines will not even pick up a page on your website if it has less than 300 words. There are millions upon millions of web pages for search engines to go through. Because of this, they have to have a few requirements in order to weed a few of them out. Cornerstone pages, which are the most important pages on your website need to have at least 800 words on those pages. While you may be concerned that no one is going to want to read all of that content, we have several ways to make a content-heavy page, not appear so extensive. Contact us today if you would like to discuss how this is achieved.

Fresh, New Content is Important

As we had mentioned above there are a multitude of websites on the internet. While search engines love websites that have history, they also want to know that the websites are still active. Adding fresh, new content to your website on a regular basis will help show search engines you are still in business and your website is still active.

Content Relevant to Your Business

Something very important to remember is that you want text on your website to be relevant to your business. You just don’t want to throw on random content to get the amount of text you need on a page. Make sure that whatever content you add to your website includes keywords about your business and is relevant to your business.

In the end, content is very important and key to helping your site to be found. Stumped on what keywords you should use on your site or simply need help? Contact us today. We are here to help!

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