Next, get busy with those video cameras and smartphones! With more and more of the social networks providing an environment where videos are accepted, we’re going to see digital network marketing take off. Facebook and, believe it or not, Twitter are making a major impact with video marketing to the point that YouTube is beginning to see a decline. Continuing with this theme, it’s time to include SlideShare and Reddit as social networks of choice for your business. I never thought about these two as social networks but, hey, why not. If there is a social network out there that benefits you to get involved so you can be found through SMO (Social Media Optimization) I say, “Why not? It is all about repurposing.” I find it interesting that Reddit actually has a website just for those subscribers who want to see videos. It’s Reddit tv. That’s how important it is for video to be seen.
Content is still King… wait, that’s not how I say this. Relevant, timely content is king. We will continue to see this building to the point that by 2020 there will be a 600 percent increase in content online. And, frankly, I think, like others, that this number is very conservative. As more eBooks continue to emerge from self-published authors, the internet will continue to build with content.
How are you planning to use social media marketing as part of your marketing plan for 2015? I know for our clients, we will be educating them on how to incorporate videos into their messages as well as monetize those posts to sell products as well as build their fan base. We know this is so important that we have created a class just to focus on social networks like Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram that focus on sharing videos and photos. Make it a point to include them in your social media marketing.
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