Social Media Image Sizes

When adding photos to your social media page, you want them to look as clear and professional as possible. This means your photos shouldn’t look blurry and they shouldn’t be cut off at the wrong spots. That’s why it’s important to understand the pixel dimensions of each social media platform.

We want to share a list of photo dimensions of the popular social media platforms you may use, but we must note that sizes may change depending on the platform. Should you notice a social media platform made changes, revisit our website for the updated information. When viewing the dimensions, they are set by width x height. If there is a byte storage capacity next to the dimensions, that means the image file size can’t be greater than that.

Google My Business

Profile Image: 250 x 250
Cover Image: 1080 x 608
Post Image: minimum size of 400 x 300

The maximum file size that can be used is 5 MB.


Cover Image: 820 x 312 (minimum 400 x 150)
Profile Image: ≥180 x 180
Shared Post Image: 1200 x 630
Shared Link Preview Image: 1200 x 628
Event Image: 1920 x 1080

For desktop images, your profile image will appear 170 x 170. As a thumbnail for your Facebook posts, it will appear 32 x 32.


Header Image: 1500 x 500 with a maximum file size of 5 MB.
Profile Image: 400 x 400 with a maximum file size of 2 MB.
In-Stream Image: 440 x 220

Even though your profile image will appear as 200 x 200 on most devices, try to upload a photo that is 400 x 400. It will provide a better quality image.


Profile Image: 110 x 110
Image Thumbnail: 161 x 161
Shared Photos: 1080 x 1080
Shared Videos: 1080 pixels wide

Instagram Stories: 1080 x 1920 (minimum 600 x 1067) with a maximum file size of 4 GB.


Profile Image: 165 x 165 with a maximum file size of 10 MB.
Board Cover Image: 222 x 150 (minimum 55 x 55)
Pinned Image Preview: 236 pixels wide


Banner Image: 1584 x 396 with a maximum file size of 4 MB.
Profile Image: 400 x 400 (minimum 200 x 200) with a maximum file size of 10 MB.
Company Cover Image: 1536 x 768
Shared Image: 350 pixels wide
Shared Link Preview: 180 x 110
Company Logo Image: 300 x 300 with a maximum file size of 4 MB.
Company Cover Image: 1536 x 768 (minimum 1192 x 220) with a maximum file size of 4 MB.
Company Page Banner Image: 646 x 220 with a maximum file size of 2 MB.
Square Logo (appears in company searches): 60 x 60 with a maximum file size of 2 MB.


Channel Cover Images: 2560 x 1440 with a maximum file size of 4 MB.
Channel Icon: 800 x 800
Video Thumbnail: 1280 x 720

Images at 2560 x 1440 will be optimized for TV screens, while desktop computers will display them at 2560 x 423. Mobile devices will display YouTube cover art at 1546 x 423, while tablets will display them at 1855 x 423

We hope this quick and easy list is helpful when deciding what image to use next. Remember, dimensions may be changed at any time depending on the platform! If you need any help with your business and post marketing feel free to contact us!

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