When your name isn’t with your Logo, does the visitor know who you are and what you do?
When creating a logo specifically for your business, it is very important that you brand your logo to be able to stand alone and reflect the mission and vision of your business. Once you have the mission and vision in place, then it’s time to design what your logo will look like.
Your Logo Speaks For Your Business
At Interlace Communications, Inc. we use a process to discuss your mission and vision and how that can be best represented. We discuss your audience who will be seeing the logo. We decide on what colors would be best to use and whether there will be different variations based on their use. Such as, you might have a full color logo for print and online use and have a one or two color logo for products and embroidery. A good example of this is one of our most recent clients who wanted a very detailed snake on their website for their logo showing the scales of the snake and also a less detailed snake for embroidery purposes.
See the examples >>

What are the things you need to consider in a logo?
Does your logo need to be a certain color? A logo for a finance type business, we think of green. Maybe your business’ product has a color like coffee cafes. What do you typically think the color would be for that business? If you said brown, you are very right. What if your product has many colors? Maybe using black as the neutral color is the way to go. What is it about colors? Some colors are powerful like red and blue. These two colors are opposites on the color palette. The interesting thing about red is that it can go from being a strong color, but then dilute it with white and you have a soft feminine color and it becomes a pink. The same thing can happen to blue. It can be a navy blue and then become baby blue when adding white.
When thinking of colors on your logo you need to keep in mind the end result. Having a multitude of colors will become a very expensive project when embroidered. Too many colors can also be distracting to the mission of the logo, which is to visually speak for you.
Keep it simple…
Look at the logos of some of the most successful businesses: Apple Computers, a simple black Apple; Amazon, with it’s A and an arrow in the shape of a smile; and Walmart is a simple yellow sunburst. Sometimes using initials of your business name can become the logo. This is especially true about businesses where the product is a service. One of my favorite success trainers, is Darren Hardy. His logo is nothing more than a circle with a D, the Vertical | is doubled with a line in the center to create a very suggestive H. On black it is used as a reverse and on white a black. No color is used at all.
The typestyle for your logo
That is a whole other topic. Needless to say, there is so much more to creating a logo than finding one of those freebie sites online that produces a logo which may be found being used by another business. All our logos are uniquely designed and hand drawn as a rough draft. For our basic package we provide 3 different logo styles based on everything discussed in the discovery portion of working with you.

Your research and consideration in creating a logo for your business or product.
- Your logo needs to reflect the mission and vision of your company.
- Your logo needs to stand alone and speak for your business.
- Your type of business and product may dictate to you what color to use for the logo.
- Keep it simple.
- Learn from the most successful businesses by studying their logos.
- Logos for product based businesses may have a totally different logo style from those that are service businesses.
- Research the logos used by competitors (You want to make sure you do not replicate any of their logos due to copyright infringement.)
- Unique shapes and items specific to your business
- Use of fonts that are easy to read from a distance yet best represent your business.
- Once a draft is created for your logo envision it on shirts, signs, websites. (Keep in mind that a draft is watermarked and cannot be used in that form.)
- Spend the time and money to make your logo unique to your business.
Below are our logo design packages which provide you with all the details needed to move forward with your logo design.
Any additional changes after are $40 per change.
Any additional changes after are $40 per change.
Interested in having your logo designed by the team at ICI? Contact us today!