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How much does it cost to build a website?

How much, you ask? As I was thinking about the answers to this question, my first thought is to thank you for reading this. You realize there should be a cost to building a website. With all the website building programs available where they say, “You can build your own website.” The fact that you want to learn what’s the difference between building your own website or using a professional website developer is important to you.

Let’s first address the value of YOUR time. You know your business, you have a passion and skills which is your strength and where you should focus your time. When you are drawn into building your website, is it a good use of your time? That is a question only you can answer.

A Website is Your Online Marketing Presence

So, let’s look at the difference between a professional building a website and you building your website. First, and foremost, when meeting with our team, we will ask you questions to dig into what makes your business unique. They will become your USP (unique selling proposition) which will set you apart from your competition. When we build your website, it is not just pages of content, this content will be unique to you. When we discover websites where information has been copied from another source we are quick to point out how this affects your positioning on the internet and how search engines, like Google, will actually penalize you for copying the information. We build your website with marketing your business at the core of its content.

Beyond the website build

When building your website, you worry about the look of it but what about all the other elements you need to be concerned about? You say, “What other elements?” Well, if you are recreating your website to replace your current website? Are there going to be new pages to replicate the pages on the current website? Are you going from html to php? If you don’t take care of these changes properly you will tumble down in your current ranking on Google. You’re finished building your website. You’re ready. But are you? Google, Ask, Bing, Yahoo, and all those directories that are out there to know you build a website have no clue. Are you going to rely on them to find it or do you push it? There are many procedures that need to follow and be done once a website is built. You can either take your chances the Google will find your website or rely on the professionals to take care of them.

How much will it cost?

Now that you know why you should consider a professional to build your website, let’s talk about the cost. I’m sure you will agree the only single answer for this question is, “It depends.” There are several different types of websites to consider for your business. There are landing pages when featuring a single product to market. There are one-page websites if you are just getting started and don’t have a lot of content for a multiple page website. A website with multiple pages is the most popular style on the internet. And, last but certainly not least, an ecommerce website.

So, let’s look at each of these types of websites styles.

Landing Page: A landing page can be a single page on your current website. It can also be a subdomain. The best solution is decided upon once we discuss the goal of the landing page and how people will react to the page once there. If it is meant to collect data, a single page on your website will be the best solution. If there are multiple steps taken once they arrive at the page, setting up a subdomain will be the best solution. The cost for a landing page could begin as low as $202 and increase based on the goals you have for the landing page.

One-Page Website: A one-page website can have the look and feel of a normal website. How it works is that all the content is on one page and the menu jumps to the area that it refers to. It’s a great solution for a business that has a limited amount of products or a single service. Websites of this nature have the look and feel of a large website from information about your business, information about your product or service, your social media connections and a way to contact you. Along with this information, we include all the procedures needed to be found by the search engines. So, along with the one-page build and preparation to be found by the search engines, you are looking at a cost of anywhere from $680 to $1200.

Business Website: Have enough products and services to support building a business website? We will sit down with you, look at your current website and make suggestions should it need to be consolidated to less pages. Mobile devices have affected the structure of websites. What would be considered as part of a business website? It would include: a home page to feature you and your products, product and service pages, about page, and contact page to mention just the major pages. Of course, along with building the website it will be very, very necessary to reach out properly to the search engines and announce your website’s existence. The cost for a business website can range anywhere from $1200 to $4000.

Non-Profit & Religious Website: Our websites for many of our nonprofit and religious websites are very similar to our business websites with a couple of features from handling membership dues and the ability to restrict pages just for members. It also provides the ability to build in an event calendar to share what’s happening with the organization or church. Their newsletter can be provided directly through the website with flip page programs allowing them with a way to save money on postage and still providing its members with the look and feel of a printable newsletter. Nonprofits and religious websites benefit from our discounted fees making the site very affordable.

Ecommerce Website: Ecommerce websites, this is a major website build for your business. There are a variety of products and services from single products, multiple styles and types of products, as well as products with multiple choices to build the products. A lot of details go into building an ecommerce website which includes shipping and taxes. Like the business website it will include the normal pages as mentioned above. Talk about a website that will depend on what it will include. We are looking at the cost of the website on the low side costing $2000 and more. There will be additional costs for security, hosting, and marketing.

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Updated: August 2020


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