A/B Testing (email) – A way of comparing two campaign options to find out which one is more effective of getting more clicks.
AEO – Answer Engine Optimization is a new way to optimize your website, socials, and business for AI-driven searches.
Auto Responder – A program that automatically generates a set response to all messages sent to a particular email address.
Backlinks is an internal or external link to another website that provides additional information about the subject being discussed. Backlinks should only be used if the information is relevant to the subject. They are very powerful for SEO when not overused.
Blog – A regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or focused group, that is written in an informal or conversational style to provide readers with information, ideas, or statistics.
Bulk Emails – Emails that are processed in a large amount before they are sent at reduced rates.
Canva – A simplified graphic-design tool website. It uses a drag-and-drop format and provides access to over a million photographs, vectors, graphics, and fonts. It is used for both web and print media design and graphics.
Constant Contact – An online marketing company and email service provider.
Direct Messaging
Emojis– A small digital image or icon used to express an idea, emotion, etc.
Events – A thing that happens, especially one of importance.
Facebook Ads – Ads on the platform that allow a business owner to increase sales on their website, increase downloads of their app, or increase awareness of their own brand. It allows you to see your friend like and follow certain pages that use Facebook Ads on the platform, and let your friends see what pages you start to follow.
Facebook Business Page – A free opportunity for businesses to increase brand awareness and generate sales on Facebook. You can use your personal account and create a page to build into a business profile.
Facebook Group – A place that brings together people who share a common interest and allows them to post and chat about the specific topic.
Facebook Secret Group – Similar to a normal group, except you may not search, freely join, or request to join these types of groups. The only way to get in is if someone invites you beforehand.
Facebook Messenger – A messaging app and platform used by Facebook for more personal and group conversations. It can be used to call, send text, photos, videos, play games, and more!
Facebook Follower – A person who follows your page, but is not your friend. They can see your updates, posts, and your activity in their own News Feed.
Feedback – Information about reactions to a product, performance, service, etc. It is used as a base structure to find improvement.
Get Your Business Online (GYBO) — Google replacement for Google Places and Google Local
Google Ads – Advertisements offered by Google that will appear on different parts of the search pages or other websites. These advertisements are based on keywords that consumers use when searching on Google.
Google Adwords Express – An automated version of Google Adwords for customers who don’t want to manage the numbers and settings with Google Adwords. You are able to set a budget, select a budget, write an ad, and the rest is managed by Adwords Express.
Google Analytics (https://www.google.com/analytics) is a free service from Google that tracks and reports website traffic. To view your website’s information please contact the office. We will gladly take you on a tour of all the features of your Google Analytics.
Google Review – A feature within Google My Business and Google maps. They allow users to publicly post a review about a business, the service, and the products.
Google Search Engine Console (https://www.google.com/webmasters) is a free web service from Google that allows webmasters to check the indexing status and visibility of your website.
Hashtags – A word or phrase preceded by a hash sign which is used on social media websites and applications to identify messages on a specific topic.
Hootsuite – A social media management platform that can support social network integrations for multiple social networking platforms.
IGTV – A free app to share long-form videos because of Instagram’s restriction to videos of 60 second clips or less. IGTV allows videos of up to an hour.
Influencer (as it refers to social media and business) – People who have established credibility in a specific industry. They have access to a larger audience that shares ideas and can promote ideas and products that they support which can reach their audience.
Instagram – A free social media platform which is an online photo-sharing application. You can post, edit, and share photos and videos through the mobile app.
Instagram Story – A feature on Instagram that allows users to post and share photos or videos for 24 hours before they vanish.
Landing Pages – The section of a website accessed by clicking a hyperlink on another web page.
LinkedIn – A business and employment-oriented service. It is used for professional networking, which includes employers posting job applications and job seekers posting their curriculum vitae.
LinkedIn Long Posts – Used for a LinkedIn member to share useful information with the community at large.
LinkedIn Skill Endorsements – After adding a skill to your profile, that skill may be validated through a 1st-degree connection. When a connection endorses your skill, it contributes to the strength of your profile and may increase the likelihood that you’ll be discovered for opportunities that relate the skills you possess.
Mailchimp – A marketing automation platform and email marketing service.
Marketing Funnels – A system that helps track the stages consumers travel through to making a buying decision.
Meta Data (Photos) Alt Text – It is used to tell a website visitor what the image on a website is if it doesn’t render or the visitor is visually impaired.
MO – Monthly Optimization is the monthly program to optimize and maintain the integrity of your website by updating plugins, themes, and software on your site as well as checking the speed and optimizing your site for successful search results. Click here to learn more.
Organic Search – A method for entering one or several search terms as a single string of text into a search engine. They are based on relevance to the term itself and don’t include advertisements.
Paid Search – A form of digital marketing where search engines allow advertisers to show ads on their search engine result pages, which will perform on a pay-per-click model.
PPC (Pay Per Click) – A business model whereby a company that has placed an advertisement on a website pays a sum of money to the host website when a user clicks on the advertisement.
Private Window is on Firefox and is a way to browse the internet without saving any information about which sites and pages you’ve visited. It doesn’t know where you are. We use Private Window as a clean way to do monthly checks of your keyword phrases to see where you are ranked on Google searches. If you are on Chrome, use the New Incognito Window to do the same type of search.
Reach (as it refers to posts) – The number of people who saw a specific post in their news feed.
Robly – A privately-owned Email Marketing Service Provider. A leading innovator in Business Marketing Automation. They invented OpenGen and the artificial intelligence sending technology named Robly AI.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) – A digital marketing strategy used to increase the visibility of a website in search engine results pages.
SEO is the abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization and is the art of providing online visibility for your website in a natural manner, often times referred to as “organic” reach. SEO may be targeted by different kinds of searches which include image searches, video searches, and content searches.
SEO Quake is a free plugin for your browser that provides you with organic research data about and website you are on at the click of a button. It is compatible with Firefox, Chrome, and Opera. SEOquake can provide a variety of tools including an SEO Audit, Keyword Density report, Internal/External Link analysis and even social metrics. Want to use this on your own computer? Go to: https://www.seoquake.com/index.html
Shortlinks – Services used to publish a shorter URL.
SMO (Social Media Optimization) – Techniques and strategies for promoting awareness of a brand, publication, product, or others on social media. It encourages the sharing of content that attracts people to a particular website.
Snapchat – A mobile app used for sharing photos, videos, and messages with other people. The messages disappear once the recipient reads them or replies to them.
Spam Emails – Unsolicited messages sent in bulk by repeatedly sending irrelevant or inappropriate messages to larger number of recipients.
Subject Line – The introduction that identifies the emails intent. Displayed to the recipient before they open the message.
Tag (as it refers to photo tags) – Identifying people or places on a certain photo. This can notify the people in the photo that they were tagged.
Twitter – A free social networking microblogging services that allows users to short post in “tweets” that include short text, photos, or videos.
Tweets – A post made on Twitter. The limit of text characters is 280, along with the ability to tweet photos and videos.
Urchin Tracking Module – An analytic tool used by marketers to track the impact of their marketing efforts, to better understand their audience’s behavior, and measure performance. Create your own UTM Code for your next link. CLICK HERE
Video – The recording, reproducing, or broadcasting of moving visual images that could be made digitally or on a videotape.
Web Story (as it has to do with social media and websites) – A graphic organizer useful for generating ideas in the beginning of the writing process. It can be used when you have trouble coming up with ideas for a post, blog, etc.
Web Traffic – The amount of data sent and received by visitors to a website. This is determined by the number of visitors and the number of pages they visit.
Webinar – A seminar conducted over the internet.
Yoast SEO is a tool used to fine tune your posts and pages on your website to identify the focused helps aim for that number one spot in the search results.
YouTube – A website used for sharing videos and live streams online. It allows users to create channels where they can post videos, subscribe to others, and interact with other users.
YouTubeTV – A internet television service that offers a live TV, on demand video, and cloud-based DVR from more than 70 television networks.