A Day in the Life of a Social Media Master

Most people would think a person who teaches Social Media Mastery and provides businesses with daily posting to their business page would be on social networks all day. That is not the case at all. If all my clients were located in other states, yes, then you would find me online for hours at a time but that, too, is not the case. My clients are business owners in Berks, Chester, Lehigh, Lancaster, and Montgomery counties for the most part. So, when communicating with them it’s a combination of social media, phone calls, emails, text messages, and personal visits. Since my clients are business owners, I tend to favor LinkedIn as my social network of choice. I have discovered several apps for my phone which have made my discipline for connecting with those on LinkedIn much easier. First thing in the morning, I use an app called Connected with LinkedIn. The app provides me with information like who is having a birthday, work anniversary, job change, and suggestions for new connections. It takes only minutes to take care of this daily task. I have also synced my calendar to this app and if there happens to be a person on LinkedIn, who I am going to see on a certain day, it will tell me so and provide their profile information. This is a feature I really find useful with LinkedIn Connected.Another LinkedIn app I find useful is Pulse. I check the news I want to read with a quick scan and I bookmark what’s interesting to read later.I’m on a mission right now with my morning routine. No time to stop and read.

Now, to Facebook. I have notifications come directly to my phone so it’s no wonder when I wake in the morning, Facebook is blowing up my phone with notifications. A quick scan of these and I can choose those that need a comment or a like. I’m not much of a game player on Facebook so Candy Crush requests pretty much get avoided, sorry friends.

Facebook Pages Manager is next on the list. With managing over 50 business pages on Facebook this app is essential for keeping up with their fan’s activities. We can check who has commented and, if it is a comment we can handle, will answer it right from Pages Manager. If it needs the owner’s attention, we just send an email and they either tell us how to reply or take care of it themselves.

Like Connected with LinkedIn, Facebook Page Manager provides me with the ability to check in on client’s pages in minutes.

It’s time to move on from the social networks to email. So, what’s the latest news or new features happening on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, and social media? There’s a Google Alert for that.

In my inbox each morning are Google Alerts to provide me with information about what’s happening with each of these social networks and much more. This and Pulse helps me to watch for changes, improvements, new products and much more.

My morning discipline is over and it’s time to get ready for a full day of work. How long did all this take? On an average day only 15 minutes. I’m finished with all the heavy lifting so to speak.

During the day there might be a need to check in. How do I know? Well, those apps I have installed on my phone alert me and of course there are those occasional notifications.

The evening is when I find myself off the business grid and checking my personal Facebook page to catch up on my friends and family.

My question to you is, do you have 15 minutes to connect with your clients, prospects, acquaintances or your friends? The key is to be disciplined and have a routine.

What I share in my classes is to spend 15 minutes a day on social media with business related communication, and then if you want to play Candy Crush, have fun.

I hope what I do each day provided you with ideas on how you can better manage your time to include social networks as a part of your business marketing. If you need help to create a routine, give us a call at 484.705.6564 or email me at alyse@gomaava.com.

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