hand tapping on a search bar for automation

Automate Your Engagement Funnel

Needless to say, to create an engagement funnel requires a strategic plan to determine the funnels and what will be offered to further engage with them and eventually do business with you. A good email marketing system is necessary to make this all work.

Ask yourself these questions:

What is the goal of my email and how do I want them to engage? Think of three different needs your clients have to use your product or service. Within the email provide them the ability to choose which one makes sense for them.

Next, make certain when they have engaged with you, you are able to deliver something that provides added value. Allow me to expound on that thought. We work with a franchise company whose vertical is coffee shops. For them when a person discovers them online, they want them to learn about their business model and to become a business owner of their franchise. We have the goal, now let’s look at what they might want to know more about.

Let’s take you down one of the three funnels.

My favorite one is How much does it cost

For this page they could go into detail on what the various investments and expenses are involved with owning a coffee business. Their added value item from this could be a worksheet for them to use to calculate their own expenses.

What could follow as subsequent emails
to this subject to engage with them going forward might be:

                          • Ideal credit score and how to improve theirs.
                          • Where to find funding for their Coffee Business
                          • How to get started

What if they lose interest in this subject?

Take them down another path by offering them another three choices and an added value item. Make sure that one of the three choices is still within the wheelhouse of what was their initial choice.

Do this until one of three things happens:

                          1. They decide to get started and contact you
                          2. They refuse to engage
                          3. They opt-out of your engagement funnel.

Do not overwhelm them with too many emails. These two steps could deliver an email each day for 2 to 3 weeks. If they aren’t engaging and they didn’t opt-out. Engage with them once a month after the initial engagement funnel campaigns. Keep yourself top-of-mind.

We hope you have found this article to be helpful in creating your own engagement funnel. If you want to learn more about email marketing, we can help you with that!

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